
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

when the spoon is hot and the needle's sharp

this is temple of the dog, a band with chris cornell and the rythm section from pearl jam. the song is times of trouble. i usually don't give props to song writers in relation to drug abuse except for layne staley, who is the king of relaying pain through his lyrics. for this one time though i'll give a shot out to chris for these. he does a pretty good job describing it.....i'll give the entire song here and let you see it....if you never did any dope it won't be the same for you, but i can really relate to the paranoia and the way it feels to be left for dead.....its a good song.
"When the spoon is hot
And the needle's sharp
And you drift away
I can hear you say
That the world in black
Is upon your back
And your body shakes
So you ditch away
And you close the shades

Don't try to do it
Don't try to kill your time
You might do it
Then you can't change your mind
You've got a hold on to your time
Till your break through these
Times of trouble

When you try to talk
And the words get hard
And they put you down
Don't you stay
Don't you ditch away

I saw you swinging
Swinging your mother's sword
I know you're playing but
Sometimes the rules get hard
But if somebody left you out on a ledge
If somebody pushed you over the edge
If somebody loved you and left you for dead
You got to hold on to your time till you break
Through these times of trouble"
well there it is. its pretty good right....again, if you have no experience with addiction in your life then you probably don't see the relevance...its really good stuff.
on another note, the rock's dvd comes out on the 10th of this month, that's next tuesday if you needed to know. its called the most electrifying man. i would go buy a copy, but i'm poor. so any of my friends that read this feel free. i considered picking up a copy of it with my state tax return, but they garnished the entire amount for delinquent student loans. wtf!!! i never even took out a loan for school. i did the sensible thing and put it on my credit card. anyway, they took it and i hate it. i think this is over some unreturned books that i tried to return the week after they were due, and they wouldn't take them. so they got tossed and they billed me for a g....are you kidding me. i understand if you need the money or whatever, but this is a university. why didn't you just take my books back. instead they end up in the dumpster...are you lazy or was i? i was. this is more consequences of my actions....what was i thinking going to college. silly me. haha. whatever. i'll make restitution even if they pry it from my cold, dead fingers...or tax returns, as it were. i really hope that they cant get thier hands on my federal money, i'm kinda counting on that to make the move in a couple of weeks...we'll see i guess. the rich get richer and the poor, well the poor write blogs about it on thier myspace page using the neighbor's internet cause they can't afford it and..........hold on this brings me to my next beef and its with superior grill. last night a friend was in town and i joined them at the superior grill on government st. which by the way sucks ballzicks. the waiter was a sorry one. he not only took 20 minutes to come back after drink orders, but when he finally took my order it was all jacked up. i told him that i just wanted a side of chicken. he said,"chicken and vegetables?" i said,"no. just a breast." easy enough right? wrong. this d-dag brought me a huge plate of vegetables with my tiny chicken breast. it was almost like this guy wanted to fist fight me, i told him i didnt want anything but the chicken and i get a bigger plate of veggies than anyone else in the history of plate served vegetables. i ate the chicken and sure enough in superior grill fashion, the check came to me for 17.83. wtf dude? wtf? i was pissed, but i worked in service for a long time and didn't want any trouble. so i let it ride and here i am today, checking my bank acct. online(poor folks do this daily cause they are never working with more than 2 or 300 dollars, ever) and dude swiped me down twice....this just in, i'm not frickin webbie or boosie, i dont need you to swipe me down wardy....they put a credit back on there, but i guess if you want just chicken you probably need to see a manager or say,"uno polo, no mas senior!" to get your needs met. whatever man, viva la mexico. and f you superior, f you right in your stupid a.

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