
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

here i am baby

i've been listening to entirely too much al green as of late. my friends tanya and paul are getting married next month and they've been picking bible verses and music while i am there. the book they pick bible verses is entitled together forever, i told them that it should be called together forever or for five years whichever i choose. then i told them not to play any al green. no love and happiness or lets stay together, maybe tired of being alone would be okay. i guess i am one of those people now who thinks none of these weddings are a good idea. its been my experience as well as the majority of our fellow americans that it doesnt work today. i guess people today were raised like a bunch of spoiled brats and they get what they want, better or worse my ass. no one means that shit these days, no one thinks bad stuff will happen to 'them' their love is 'real' or 'different' that stuff wont happen to them. wtf ever dude. i tell you what you go ahead and believe that shit i'll see you in five years, i'll buy you a beer and say i told you so. everyone needs to learn for themselves though, so go ahead and be merry. you found the person you'll spend the rest of your life with. my boy bradley says,"marriage doesnt work in the world today its an institution that is in decay if i had love i wish to portray i will surely find another way."he's right, but go ahead and roll the dice get hurt, the pain will subside. then you and i can go to these things and place bets as they did at my wedding on how long it'll last. skeet skeet bang bang my nouget, keep the al green goin' the champagne flowin, and in five years you'll be knowing that your boy howard was right, and its gonna sting but hey i told you so. peace. shout out to anyone who can hear me. ya mean?

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