
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

if you should die before me ask if you can bring a friend

stp's still remains, flesh is warm with naked feet. stabbing thorns and i become you. oh, i beg for you.....pretty good song. scott talks about drinking his girls bath water. anyway, the new year is here and i couldn't be any less excited. i guess it's a measuring stick or whatever, but who decides where it should be measured from. my new year is last week when i made 1 year sober. that means if we reap what we sow, i have some distance from all the bad stuff i was doing. i have paid for my past transgressions and am open to the blessings of being a good boy this year. they have begun. i guess i still spend allot of time living in fear of what may or may not happen. today, i walk by faith. i trust God. i know that where i am today is better than i was last december, god did that, not me. i have a job i love, friends who care, a family who loves me, and countless other blessings. i was talking to my disgusting, whore cousin amanda, this week. okay, she's none of those things. she's actually one of my best friends. i love her and katie, her sister. they are funny, smart, beautiful girls who care about me and each other. anyways, i spent like 4 days there this week. i had a fantastic time, better than i ever could've imagined. i dont know. i lost my train of thought. i do know that express is the worst store ever if you're a straight man. dont go there unless you are gay or want to find out whether or not you are. if you go and you like the stuff, you're gay. i promise. if you dont think you are, and you work there, i got news for you. i work tonight at trs, hopefully all is well over there. happy new year everyone. i am excited. the ceiling i lived under has become the ground i stand on and i stand firm. thanks vince for being a strong man of God. thank you for being in my life, you help me more than you know. i need to get in the gym. my belly is fat, my arms are small, and its gross. haps on the new one yo, peace.

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