
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

one day i'll get to you, teach you how to be a holy cow

you do it to yourself you do....radioheads just. i got another chance to write a little something before my pie is cool enough to eat and was listening to the bends cd by radiohead. i thought about myself and how i was the thing that you did to yourself. i guess. i fool you, but not your friends. they say judge not, lest you'll be judged. well, good luck. but there i go passing judgement again. so, here we go, another week coming full speed ahead. i love my job so much that the time flies by. this week i worked like 60 hours, but wasn't winded at all. i like to give counsel to the guys and i can tell that i am good at it. i should make a decent counselor. i've built good relationships with my guys. most of them respect me, most days. they definitely hear me, which is cool. i have a job that i love, i am 'there'. sure i have a ways to go, but i am doing the thing i was put here to do. i do it with a smile. i'm passionate about it and i take it seriously. everyday i get the chance to say something that could change one of these guys lives forever, wow! its a load of responsibility, but i am qualified. i am, with god's help anyways. i lost my train of thought so i'm gonna eat now, k, thanks k bye.  

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