
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the pilsbury dough boy

Current mood:grateful
have you ever bought a pilsbury product? grands biscuits, a cake, icing? well if you have one of thier products at your house go look at the box, you'll see why you bought it,or at least why i buy thier shtuff. i just was proof reading my last entry and looked at the little smiley for a crappy mood thats him, haahhahah, that dude is feeling bad son, i thought of the dough man when i saw that guy, next time your in the grocery store, walk the cake isle and check out the pils man on the box, dude is so sure of his product, i bet you buy pils even if you weren't gonna bake a cake, you certainly will never buy another betty crocker product ever. seriously, now check the icing, dude has like a huge spoon he's trying to feed you of it and looks so happy. the only thing i gotta warn you about is that you'll buy allot of stuff with my boy on there, all except for the cheap pilsbury biscuits, that picture wasnt that good, anyways, check it out

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