
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

that man, thats not me. i go where i please

i walk through to disappear completely by radiohead. i think thats on kid a, yeah it is cause i just turned it on and its there like number 4 or something. anyways, i finally am off of work today and got to sleep in, go to the gym, and write again. i heard the lyrics of this song and thought about what i used to be and who i am today. i am a totally different person. i still have some crazy things about me, but they are no longer detremental to my well being or anyone elses, most days. its kinda hard to believe that i can do anything i want to do these days. hell, the day i made one year of sobriety i was in the french quarter. thats pretty wild. i was in the quarter and didn't have a hand grenade or any other mood altering chemical, wtf? i dont know when the switch went off and i became able to go to places like pat o'briens and be okay. i never even thought about taking a drink. it was crazy for me. i do walk by faith and believe that God is doing for me what i could not do for myself and i know that there is nothing He and i cant handle together. i'm sure life will toss a few more curve balls my way, but i have all confidence that i can be okay. in my first year of sobriety i dealt with being in a treatment center for 6 months where i was served divorce papers coupled with a restraining order, i got seperated, i got divorced, i 'dated' my ex and had that fall apart, i had a knee reconstruction, and i'm sure other turbulent times. i got through them with God's help. i dont even know where i was going with this thing. i am stoked about the 6'6 cutout of the rock in my living room. he's awesome. he always looks at me funny, but its all good cause he's the frickin rock man. i need to go eat. so holla at a playa if ya see him in the street, yerd? rock over london rock on chicago, wheaties the breakfast of champions  

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