
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

myspace friends list

Current mood:crazy
i know myspace top friends list really shouldnt matter, but it does. i was giving my boy aaron a hard time about why i wasnt on his top 8, he only had like 10 myspace friends...but i was just bustin his balls. then i was looking at another page where i was number two on someone's list and it made me feel good. then on another page i was on page 3. wtf right? so obviously i have something wrong with me or everyone notices these things and gets their ego stroked or feelings hurt. sure roommates and family right at the top should be the way it works, right? bff, person i'm dating, brother, sister, significant other right up top. not always, people who change thier friends lists know what i'm talking about, you gotta be sure to have all the people you care about up top, for them....its weird, its like all the joking about top 8s and who is up there, whos not...there is some substance. theres something there. you know you've done this, be honest. i know i'm not the only person who has looked at someones lists and been proud or upset. i just think its weird that i feel this way about it and dont think im the only one. now if you are, in fact reading this, that means you care enough about what i think to spend a few minutes hearing my 2 cents and if i am on page 2 or 3 of your top friends i expect you to fix it by 7pm or else i will be forced togive you a pride obliterating bitch slap...hahahaha........ i'm joking......or am i? a thousand truths are said in jest.....thats what 'they' say....who is 'they'? well, 'they' is 'them' and i love 'them' because of who 'they' are and what 'they' believe in, and hopefully what 'they' believe in is me and if thats the case i will surely not let 'them' down cause 'they' are way to important to me. somebody pray for me cause i'm going insane on account of 'them'.

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