
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

coming under attack

Current mood:relieved
this week i have come under attack. all week i have been tempted to stray from the path. i have been given all sorts of bad advice and entertained all of it. i have almost backed myself into a corner, but i found a way out. God always gives you an out. I went to church this morning as i do every sunday and feel centered and re-focused. it was a tough week full of lies and temptations by the enemy, but i survived it and am stronger now. i was told today that i may be waiting in vain, again. thats what i keep being told, or that i'm single now, or some other lie that seems easy to believe. 'does she go to church? is she living for God? its been a year. if she doesn't answer it's probably because she is entertaining someone else' all sorts of stuff that i have to cast out immediately and see as attacks on my faith and my marriage. see it is a constant war between good and evil and the battleground is in my mind. i should have paid closer attentions to the warning signs: my language, the music i listen to, the things i watch.....i justified all of this stuff until it was too late and i was i a fight for my spiritual life and my loyalty to my marriage. its calmed down for now and i have learned from it. i need to move forward and pay closer attention to the warning signs

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