
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

what can you do? when your world is invaded by a reggae junky jew

that is lyrics from weens song reggae junky jew. i used to listen to ween while on massive quantities of acid or mushrooms. if you’ve never listened to ween, you probably won’t like it unless.....that’s right, you’re on acid or mushrooms. a friend of mine had a bachelor party thing at blue bayou water park one day and i got all of my buddys a hit of this acid. we woke up at like 6am and took it then tried to get it together long enough to get to the car. then, tripping our nuts off, we drove to the water park. the wait in that line felt like an eternity. it seemed to me that everyone in the line to get in knew that we were on acid. stop and think about that for just a second. i really thought everyone knew we were on acid. see cause thats what people assume when they see people laughing and cutting up. that they all must have gotten up this morning, dropped a bunch of acid, and drove to the water park. anyway, it was a pretty good time for all of us. i talked my boy speedy this week who i hadn’t seen for years and he was sympathetic regarding the situation with my divorce and everything. i hadn’t seen him in a while. anyhow, i told him that if he wanted to know everything that happenned to lead up to that point he could read the blog posts from november(i posted a 9 part story about all the things that transpired) he went back there and read them, probably backwards cause the way blogs post you’d have to read them from bottom to top. so speedy sent me back an e-mail and he was choked up. he paid me a compliment on the writings and that was cool. when i put them up there my hope was to help someone and also to tell the story that i’m quite sure people had gossipped about at some point. i put it up there and a bunch of people read it that week. i wrote it with some cliffhangers to draw people in to the next segment. it was fun for me and quite therapeutic. its still up there if anyone wants to check it out. read it in order though. my parents are here and i’m hungry so i gotta go. peace out.

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